
在专业课程“监控和日志记录:Zabbix,Prometheus,ELK”开始前夕,我们为您准备了有趣的翻译,我们还为您提供了关于以下 主题的演示课程“ Prometheus 作为新一轮的监控系统



您非常高兴,一切都按计划进行。创建你的第一个Kubernetes集群(所有主要的云服务提供商-天青,AWS,GCP -有置备的受管或不受简单的解决方案Kubernetes),开发你的第一个集装箱的应用程序,并将其部署到集群。很简单,不是吗?

一段时间后,您意识到事情变得有些复杂:您需要在集群中部署多个应用程序,因此需要一个Ingress Controller接下来,您想监视负载,因此开始寻找解决方案,幸运的是找到了Prometheus展开它,添加Grafana就是这样!

: " Prometheus "? ? ? Prometheus ? ? HA DR? Prometheus

, , .





  1. : master- worker-.

  2. Kubernetes.

  3. .

HTTP(s) (REST gRPC), API (Ingress). API :

  1. Kubernetes API Server.

  2. Ingress Controller.

, Azure SQL, Azure Blob .


Kubernetes , .

. , , :

  • .

  • (, , , ).

  • (, ..).

  • , .

Kubernetes. Kubernetes :

  • — ready ( ), status, restarts ( ), age ( ).

  • (Deployments) — desired ( ), current ( ), up-to-date ( ), available ( ), age ( ).

  • StatefulSets.

  • CronJobs.

  • ( ).

  • (Health checks).

  • Kubernetes.

  • API-.

  • Etcd.

  • .

.  , . , :

  • HTTP- ( , , . .).

  • (, ).

  • .

, , , . 


Thanos — , , Prometheus.

Thanos Prometheus . , global view Prometheus.


  • Sidecar. Prometheus Query Gateway / .

  • Query Gateway. Prometheus API ( Sidecar Store Gateway).

  • Store Gateway. .

  • Compactor. (downsampling) .

  • Receiver. remote-write WAL Prometheus, / .

  • Ruler. recording rules alerting rules Thanos.



Thanos Sidecar Kubernetes, , Prometheus Grafana.

Prometheus, Prometheus-Operator, Kubernetes, Prometheus.

Prometheus-Operator Helm , , Thanos Sidecar , Kubernetes .

Thanos Sidecar Kubernetes Secret , . 

Microsoft Azure.

account blob-:

az storage account create --name <storage_name> --resource-group <resource_group> --location <location> --sku Standard_LRS --encryption blob

( container) :

az storage container create --account-name <storage_name> --name thanos


az storage account keys list -g <resource_group> -n <storage_name>


Kubernetes Secret:

kubectl -n monitoring create secret generic thanos-objstore-config --from-file=thanos.yaml=thanos-storage-config.yaml

prometheus-operator-values.yaml, Prometheus-Operator.


helm install --namespace monitoring --name prometheus-operator stable/prometheus-operator -f prometheus-operator-values.yaml

Prometheus Thanos Sidecar, Azure Blob Storage .

Thanos Store Gateway Thanos Sidecar, Ingress. Nginx Ingress Controller, Ingress Controller, gRPC (, Envoy ).

Thanos Store Gateway Thanos Sidecar mutual TLS. .

.pfx-, , openssl:

# public key
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nocerts -nodes | sed -ne '/-BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-/,/-END PRIVATE KEY-/p' > cert.key
# private key
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -clcerts -nokeys | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > cert.cer
# certificate authority (CA)
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -cacerts -nokeys -chain | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > cacerts.cer

Kubernetes Secrets.

# a secret to be used for TLS termination
kubectl create secret tls -n monitoring thanos-ingress-secret --key ./cert.key --cert ./cert.cer
# a secret to be used for client authenticating using the same CA
kubectl create secret generic -n monitoring thanos-ca-secret --from-file=ca.crt=./cacerts.cer

, , Kubernetes, ,  Thaos SideCar: 


Ingress ( ):

Thanos Sidecars !


Thanos, , , Thanos . , , .

Thanos Helm ( , , PR).

thanos-values.yaml, .

Thanos Store Gateway blob-, .

kubectl -n thanos create secret generic thanos-objstore-config --from-file=thanos.yaml=thanos-storage-config.yaml

, .

helm install --name thanos --namespace thanos ./thanos -f thanos-values.yaml --set-file query.tlsClient.cert=cert.cer --set-file query.tlsClient.key=cert.key --set-file query.tlsClient.ca=cacerts.cer --set-file store.tlsServer.cert=cert.cer --set-file store.tlsServer.key=cert.key --set-file store.tlsServer.ca=cacerts.cer

Thanos Query Gateway Thanos Storage Gateway, .

, , HTTP- Thanos Query Gateway :

kubectl -n thanos port-forward svc/thanos-query-http 8080:10902

http://localhost:8080, Thanos UI!


Grafana, Helm .

grafana-values.yaml :

, . ( — ConfigMap).


helm install --name grafana --namespace thanos stable/grafana -f grafana-values.yaml


kubectl -n thanos port-forward svc/grafana 8080:80

… ! Prometheus !

Prometheus Thanos, global view , Prometheus .

Cortex — , , Thanos, .

-, - OTUS .

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