
OTUS专家弗拉迪斯拉夫·罗丹(Vladislav Rodin)邀请所有人参加有关该主题免费演示课程:“ MySQL索引:最佳实践和陷阱”该课程是专门为超密集型“高负载系统中的DBMS”准备的




这一切在MySQL 5.7中都发生了变化,它添加了Performance Schema内存跟踪工具包,并且MySQL 8.0默认情况下启用了此工具包,因此您几乎可以从任何正在运行的实例中获取此数据。


mysql> select event_name,current_alloc from sys.memory_global_by_current_bytes limit 10;
| event_name                                                    | current_alloc |
| memory/innodb/buf_buf_pool                                    | 262.12 MiB    |
| memory/temptable/physical_ram                                 | 64.00 MiB     |
| memory/performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_digest | 39.67 MiB     |
| memory/sql/TABLE                                              | 33.32 MiB     |
| memory/innodb/ut0link_buf                                     | 24.00 MiB     |
| memory/innodb/lock0lock                                       | 20.51 MiB     |
| memory/innodb/memory                                          | 17.79 MiB     |
| memory/innodb/buf0dblwr                                       | 17.08 MiB     |
| memory/innodb/ut0new                                          | 16.08 MiB     |
| memory/performance_schema/events_statements_history_long      | 13.89 MiB     |
10 rows in set (0.01 sec)

. , , :

mysql> select host,current_allocated from memory_by_host_by_current_bytes;
| host                          | current_allocated |
| localhost                     | 1.19 GiB          |
| background                    | 101.28 MiB        |
| li1317-164.members.linode.com | 49.61 MiB         |
| li1319-234.members.linode.com | 27.90 MiB         |
| li1316-24.members.linode.com  | 27.00 MiB         |
5 rows in set (0.02 sec)

thread_id, , :

mysql> select thread_id,user,current_allocated from memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes limit 5;
| thread_id | user                               | current_allocated |
|        44 | innodb/srv_worker_thread           | 1.99 MiB          |
|        48 | innodb/srv_worker_thread           | 1.16 MiB          |
|     54322 | root@localhost                     | 1.10 MiB          |
|        46 | innodb/srv_worker_thread           | 777.29 KiB        |
|     43881 | app1@li1317-164.members.linode.com | 274.84 KiB        |
5 rows in set (0.43 sec)

, , , . , … Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM).

, PMM 2.11, Performance Schema. (Custom Queries).


- , MySQL SQL- , MySQL. Performance Schema, Information Schema , , . Percona Monitoring and Management.

MySQL Performance Schema …


cd /usr/local/percona/pmm2/collectors/custom-queries/mysql/medium-resolution
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Percona-Lab/pmm-custom-queries/master/mysql/ps-memory-summary.yml

MySQL (MySQL Memory Usage Details dashboard) Grafana.com. , , .

-, , , Performance Schema, :

, MySQL , , , - .., , MySQL … . , , , .

MySQL (MySQL Memory Usage Summary) , , , MySQL.

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, , pmm@localhost, , , ( , , , ).

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? , , Percona Monitoring and Management?


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