通过Jenkins和Fastlane在多个环境中进行CI / CD集成。第1部分

传统上预期“ iOS Developer。Basic”课程的开始,我们通常会为您准备一份有趣的翻译,并且我们还邀请您注册免费的网络研讨会,我们的专家将在其中详细介绍该课程计划并回答您的问题。


CI/CD , : -, , , , -, , // , .

, , ? Jenkins Fastlane  - , , .

, , Jenkins Fastlane CI . , .

Jenkins Fastlane

, CI , , Jenkins Fastlane . , Jenkins - , Java, . Jenkins (Pipelines), , (Jobs), , , , , , , . , (), Fastlane.

Fastlane - , (iOS Android), , , , . Fastlane , Lanes, , , Actions, , .

, , , - iOS- Testflight, (, , , , ) . , Testflight :


b) ,


, Jenkins Fastlane . , , . , Jenkins , Jenkins - Github . Github, Xcode, SCM (Source Control Management), , Github, Credentials Plugin , .

Jenkins. , Testflight.

Jenkins () => New Item (Pipeline) (Job) Jenkins “Upload to Testflight”.


Configure , . .

Definition , Pipeline «Pipeline Script from SCM». (SCM), Git-.

- , Testflight, github, github.

, , .

«Save» ! Jenkins. !

Scripted Pipeline. , (stages), , . Testflight, , . , :

  1. Testflight

, , Build with Parameters , , , :

, Build, , Jenkins Stage view:

, Testflight!

, , , . Console Output , , , .

, MyScript.groovy, deploy(), :


checkout SCM, , Jenkins Pipeline.

stage('Checkout') {
    checkout scm


stage('Install dependencies') {
      sh 'gem install bundler'
      sh 'bundle update'
      sh 'bundle exec pod repo update'
      sh 'bundle exec pod install'

CocoaPods, pod install, . - Bundler, Ruby. 2 , Bundler, Bundler , Gemfile . , , , Fastlane, , , Danger, ruby . pod repo update, pod', , , pod update, .


stage('Reset Simulators') {
   sh 'bundle exec fastlane snapshot resetsimulators --force'

, , , , .

, Fastlane . , Fastlane Lanes , Fastfile. , , .

iOS-, , « » .


stage('Run Tests') {
   sh 'bundle exec fastlane test'

. test , Fastfile, :

lane :test do
        clean: true,
        devices: ["iPhone X"],
        workspace: "ourproject.xcworkspace",
        scheme: "productionscheme",
        codecoverage: true,
        outputdirectory: "./testoutput",
        outputtypes: "html,junit"
        coberturaxml: true,
        proj: "ourproject.xcodeproj",
        workspace: "ourproject.xcworkspace",
        outputdirectory: "./testoutput",
        scheme: "productionscheme",
        jenkins: true,
        ignore: [arrayofdocstoignore]


Fastlane: scan slather.

Scan , workspace ( ), scheme (), codecoverage ( ) , , devices (), , .

Slather , , , , (ignore).

Fastlane- ✨. , Jenkins. , , , , .

, .

, .

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