
我的名字叫安德烈·格拉德科夫(Andrey Gladkov),我是无人驾驶汽车领域的开发商。今天,我将与Habr社区共享与无人机最重要的传感器-激光雷达以及我们如何处理激光雷达数据有关的任务。您可以尝试自己在竞赛平台上解决问题。系统将使用自动测试来检查解决方案,并立即报告结果。解析和解决方案代码-在发布即将结束时扰乱他人。对于去年参加我们研讨会的聚会的人来说,这项任务看起来很熟悉-我们将其作为入场券提供,但我们从未公开共享。


时限 15秒
内存限制 64兆字节
输入值 标准输入或input.txt
输出量 标准输出或output.txt

尺寸是一组N 点坐标 xyz... 超过50%的点属于道路。空间中属于道路的点的位置模型是带有参数化的平面


属于道路的点与模型的偏差不超过给定数量 p...



输入数据以文本格式给出。第一行包含固定阈值p (0.01p0.5)... 第二行包含点数N (3N25000)... 下列N 行包含坐标 xyz (100x,y,z100)对于每个点,定界符都是制表符(字符串格式"x[TAB]y[TAB]z")。实数不超过6个小数位。


输出参数 ABCD与道路相对应的飞机。用空格分隔数字。输出参数必须指定正确的平面。


输入值 输出量
20 0 0
10 -10 0
10 10 0
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000


输入值 输出量
20 0 3
10 -10 2
10 10 2
-0.099504 0.000000 0.995037 -0.995037


输入值 输出量
20 -10 0.2
20 0 0.2
20 10 0.2
15 -10 0.15
15 0 0.15
15 10 0.15
10 -10 0.1
10 10 0.1
20 18 1.7
15 -15 1.2
-0.010000 0.000000 0.999950 0.000000




, . 50% , , , , , — , . , , . . p.

, , . RANSAC ( ). ( ), , .


  • , ().
  • , — p , «».
  • , .

. — . - , .

C ++代码
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>

struct Point3d {
  double X = 0.0;
  double Y = 0.0;
  double Z = 0.0;

using PointCloud = std::vector<Point3d>;

struct Plane {
  double A = 0.0;
  double B = 0.0;
  double C = 0.0;
  double D = 0.0;

bool CreatePlane(
    Plane& plane,
    const Point3d& p1,
    const Point3d& p2,
    const Point3d& p3) {
  const double matrix[3][3] =
    {{          0,           0,           0},  // this row is not used
     {p2.X - p1.X, p2.Y - p1.Y, p2.Z - p1.Z},
     {p3.X - p1.X, p3.Y - p1.Y, p3.Z - p1.Z}};

  auto getMatrixSignedMinor = [&matrix](size_t i, size_t j) {
    const auto& m = matrix;
    return (m[(i + 1) % 3][(j + 1) % 3] * m[(i + 2) % 3][(j + 2) % 3] -
            m[(i + 2) % 3][(j + 1) % 3] * m[(i + 1) % 3][(j + 2) % 3]);

  const double A = getMatrixSignedMinor(0, 0);
  const double B = getMatrixSignedMinor(0, 1);
  const double C = getMatrixSignedMinor(0, 2);
  const double D = -(A * p1.X + B * p1.Y + C * p1.Z);

  const double norm_coeff = std::sqrt(A * A + B * B + C * C);

  const double kMinValidNormCoeff = 1.0e-6;
  if (norm_coeff < kMinValidNormCoeff) {
    return false;

  plane.A = A / norm_coeff;
  plane.B = B / norm_coeff;
  plane.C = C / norm_coeff;
  plane.D = D / norm_coeff;

  return true;

double CalcDistance(const Plane& plane, const Point3d& point) {
  // assume that the plane is valid
  const auto numerator = std::abs(
      plane.A * point.X + plane.B * point.Y + plane.C * point.Z + plane.D);
  const auto denominator = std::sqrt(
      plane.A * plane.A + plane.B * plane.B + plane.C * plane.C);
  return numerator / denominator;

int CountInliers(
    const Plane& plane,
    const PointCloud& cloud,
    double threshold) {
  return std::count_if(cloud.begin(), cloud.end(),
      [&plane, threshold](const Point3d& point) {
        return CalcDistance(plane, point) <= threshold; });

Plane FindPlaneWithFullSearch(const PointCloud& cloud, double threshold) {
  const size_t cloud_size = cloud.size();

  Plane best_plane;
  int best_number_of_inliers = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud_size - 2; ++i) {
    for (size_t j = i + 1; j < cloud_size - 1; ++j) {
      for (size_t k = j + 1; k < cloud_size; ++k) {
        Plane sample_plane;
        if (!CreatePlane(sample_plane, cloud[i], cloud[j], cloud[k])) {

        const int number_of_inliers = CountInliers(
            sample_plane, cloud, threshold);
        if (number_of_inliers > best_number_of_inliers) {
          best_plane = sample_plane;
          best_number_of_inliers = number_of_inliers;

  return best_plane;

Plane FindPlaneWithSimpleRansac(
    const PointCloud& cloud,
    double threshold,
    size_t iterations) {
  const size_t cloud_size = cloud.size();

  // use uint64_t to calculate the number of all combinations
  // for N <= 25000 without overflow
  const auto cloud_size_ull = static_cast<uint64_t>(cloud_size);
  const auto number_of_combinations =
      cloud_size_ull * (cloud_size_ull - 1) * (cloud_size_ull - 2) / 6;

  if (number_of_combinations <= iterations) {
    return FindPlaneWithFullSearch(cloud, threshold);

  std::random_device rd;
  std::mt19937 gen(rd());
  std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distr(0, cloud_size - 1);

  Plane best_plane;
  int best_number_of_inliers = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
    std::array<size_t, 3> indices;
    do {
      indices = {distr(gen), distr(gen), distr(gen)};
      std::sort(indices.begin(), indices.end());
    } while (indices[0] == indices[1] || indices[1] == indices[2]);

    Plane sample_plane;
    if (!CreatePlane(sample_plane,
                     cloud[indices[2]])) {

    const int number_of_inliers = CountInliers(
        sample_plane, cloud, threshold);
    if (number_of_inliers > best_number_of_inliers) {
      best_plane = sample_plane;
      best_number_of_inliers = number_of_inliers;

  return best_plane;

int main() {
  double p = 0.0;
  std::cin >> p;

  size_t points_number = 0;
  std::cin >> points_number;

  PointCloud cloud;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < points_number; ++i) {
    Point3d point;
    std::cin >> point.X >> point.Y >> point.Z;

  const Plane plane = FindPlaneWithSimpleRansac(cloud, p, 100);

  std::cout << plane.A << ' '
            << plane.B << ' '
            << plane.C << ' '
            << plane.D << std::endl;

  return 0;

, :

  const double matrix[3][3] =
    {{          0,           0,           0},  // this row is not used
     {p2.X - p1.X, p2.Y - p1.Y, p2.Z - p1.Z},
     {p3.X - p1.X, p3.Y - p1.Y, p3.Z - p1.Z}};

  auto getMatrixSignedMinor = [&matrix](size_t i, size_t j) {
    const auto& m = matrix;
    return (m[(i + 1) % 3][(j + 1) % 3] * m[(i + 2) % 3][(j + 2) % 3] -
            m[(i + 2) % 3][(j + 1) % 3] * m[(i + 1) % 3][(j + 2) % 3]);

  const double A = getMatrixSignedMinor(0, 0);
  const double B = getMatrixSignedMinor(0, 1);
  const double C = getMatrixSignedMinor(0, 2);
  const double D = -(A * p1.X + B * p1.Y + C * p1.Z);

( ). matrix xp1.X, yp1.Y zp1.Z. , x, y z, A, B C .

, . unordered_set .

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