


该建议已在V8中实现,并且没有标记可以在8.7版本中使用(更确切地说,在版本中8.7.38以及更高版本),因此可以在Google Chrome Canary(从版本开始87.0.4252.0)或Node.js V8 Canary(从版本开始v15.0.0-v8-canary202009025a2ca762b8;二进制文件可用于Windows)中进行测试 v15.0.0-v8-canary202009173b56586162)。




在Richard Gibson的支持下,提案处于第3阶段。




, UAX 29. , JavaScript .

Chrome API Intl.v8BreakIterator. API . API, API JavaScript — , ES2015.

, segment(), Intl.Segmenter, Iterable.

//      .
let segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter("fr", {granularity: "word"});

//       .
let input = "Moi?  N'est-ce pas.";
let segments = segmenter.segment(input);

//    !
for (let {segment, index, isWordLike} of segments) {
  console.log("segment at code units [%d, %d): «%s»%s",
    index, index + segment.length,
    isWordLike ? " (word-like)" : ""

//  console.log:
// segment at code units [0, 3): «Moi» (word-like)
// segment at code units [3, 4): «?»
// segment at code units [4, 6): «  »
// segment at code units [6, 11): «N'est» (word-like)
// segment at code units [11, 12): «-»
// segment at code units [12, 14): «ce» (word-like)
// segment at code units [14, 15): « »
// segment at code units [15, 18): «pas» (word-like)
// segment at code units [18, 19): «.»

, API .

// ┃0 1 2 3 4 5┃6┃7┃8┃9
// ┃A l l o n s┃-┃y┃!┃
let input = "Allons-y!";

let segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter("fr", {granularity: "word"});
let segments = segmenter.segment(input);
let current = undefined;

current = segments.containing(0)
// → { index: 0, segment: "Allons", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(5)
// → { index: 0, segment: "Allons", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(6)
// → { index: 6, segment: "-", isWordLike: false }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length)
// → { index: 7, segment: "y", isWordLike: true }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length)
// → { index: 8, segment: "!", isWordLike: false }

current = segments.containing(current.index + current.segment.length)
// → undefined



new Intl.Segmenter(locale, options)


options , granularity, ("grapheme" ( ), "word" ( ) "sentence" ( ); — "grapheme").


%Segments% Iterable .


  • segment — .
  • index — (code unit index) , .
  • input — .
  • isWordLiketrue, "word" ( ) ( /// ..); false, "word" ( // ..); undefined, "word".



, , (code unit) , undefined, .


%SegmentIterator%, "" (lazy, ) , .


next() Iterator, IteratorResult, value , .


? ?

— , . . . CLDR. , CLDR/ICU , .


, 3- , . TC39 . ; , , .


API, , API : , API (, ). API CSS Houdini.



  • .
  • .
  • , (.. Web API (Web Platform), ECMAScript).
  • , . CLDR ICU . CSS, . . , , , ; .


%SegmentIterator%.prototype, (, seek([inclusiveStartIndex = thisIterator.index + 1]) seekBefore([exclusiveLastIndex = thisIterator.index]), . ECMA-262 ( ). , , .

API Intl, String?

, . segment() SegmentIterator. , API Intl, ECMA-402. , . String, , .


n (code unit), . , "Hello, world\u{1F499}" ( , - — ), 0, 5, 6, 7 12. : ┃Hello┃,┃ ┃world┃\u{1F499}┃, (code units), (code point). , .


, next().

, ?

, - QA ;)

Number: null 0, — 0 1, , , Symbol BigInt, undefined NaN *. , ( , ).

* . "fail". Chrome Canary, Symbol BigInt TypeError, undefined NaN , 0.


  1. Joel Spolsky. The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
  2. Dmitri Pavlutin. What every JavaScript developer should know about Unicode
  3. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer. JavaScript for impatient programmers: 17. Unicode – a brief introduction
  4. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer. JavaScript for impatient programmers: 18.6. Atoms of text: Unicode characters, JavaScript characters, grapheme clusters
  5. Jonathan New. "\u{1F4A9}".length === 2
  6. Nicolás Bevacqua. ES6 Strings (and Unicode, ) in Depth
  7. Mathias Bynens. JavaScript has a Unicode problem
  8. Mathias Bynens. Unicode-aware regular expressions in ECMAScript 6
  9. Mathias Bynens. Unicode property escapes in JavaScript regular expressions
  10. Mathias Bynens. Unicode sequence property escapes
  11. Awesome Unicode: a curated list of delightful Unicode tidbits, packages and resources

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