



var money = 100; // "100" is present in RAM now (as four-byte integer value). Cheat apps can find, filter and replace it since it was declared.

money += 20; // Cheat apps can scan RAM for "120" values, filter them and discover the RAM address of our "money" variable.

Debug.Log(money); // We expect to see "120" in console. But cheat apps can deceive us!

ProtectedInt experience = 500; // four XOR-encrypted bytes are present in RAM now. Cheat apps can't find our value in RAM.

experience += 100;

Debug.Log(experience); // We can see "600" in console;

Debug.Log(JsonUtility.ToJson(experience)); // We can see four XOR-encrypted bytes here: {"_":[96,96,102,53]}. Our "experience" is hidden.

值得注意的第二点是,引入新保护的过程中,应在对游戏源代码进行最小更改的情况下进行,其中一切都已经可以正常工作并且已经经过了多次测试。在我的方法中,ProtectedInt / ProtectedLong / ProtectedFloat替换int / long / float类型就足够了。接下来,我将提供注释和代码。 Protected基类在“ _”字段中存储了一个加密的字节数组,它还负责加密和解密数据。加密是原始的-与Key进行XOR 。这种加密速度很快,因此即使在Update中也可以使用变量

... 基类使用字节数组。子类负责将其类型与字节数组之间进行转换。但是最重​​要的是,使用隐式运算符将它们“伪装”为简单类型,因此开发人员甚至可能不会注意到变量的类型已更改。您可能还会注意到使用JsonUtility和Newtonsoft.Json进行序列化所需的某些方法和属性的属性(两者均受支持)。如果您不使用Newtonsoft.Json,则需要删除#define NEWTONSOFT_JSON


using System;
using UnityEngine;

using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace Assets
    public class ProtectedInt : Protected
        private ProtectedInt()

        protected ProtectedInt(byte[] bytes) : base(bytes)

        public static implicit operator ProtectedInt(int value)
            return new ProtectedInt(BitConverter.GetBytes(value));

        public static implicit operator int(ProtectedInt value) => value == null ? 0 : BitConverter.ToInt32(value.DecodedBytes, 0);

        public override string ToString()
            return ((int) this).ToString();
    public class ProtectedFloat : Protected
        private ProtectedFloat()

        protected ProtectedFloat(byte[] bytes) : base(bytes)

        public static implicit operator ProtectedFloat(int value)
            return new ProtectedFloat(BitConverter.GetBytes(value));

        public static implicit operator float(ProtectedFloat value) => value == null ? 0 : BitConverter.ToSingle(value.DecodedBytes, 0);

        public override string ToString()
            return ((float) this).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

    public abstract class Protected
        private byte[] _;

        private static readonly byte[] Key = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("8bf5b15ffef1f485f673ceb874fd6ef0");

        protected Protected()

        protected Protected(byte[] bytes)
            _ = Encode(bytes);

        private static byte[] Encode(byte[] bytes)
            var encoded = new byte[bytes.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                encoded[i] = (byte) (bytes[i] ^ Key[i % Key.Length]);

            return encoded;

        protected byte[] DecodedBytes
                var decoded = new byte[_.Length];

                for (var i = 0; i < decoded.Length; i++)
                    decoded[i] = (byte) (_[i] ^ Key[i % Key.Length]);

                return decoded;




  1. 更好地使用结构以使代码更可预测(如果我们将自己伪装成简单的值类型,则更是如此)。
  2. RAM中的搜索不能由特定值执行,而可以由所有更改的变量执行。XOR在这里无济于事。或者,输入校验和。
  3. BitConverter很慢(当然是微尺度的)。最好摆脱它(因为它原来是int,所以它是float-我在等待您的建议)。


public struct ProtectedInt
	private int _;

	private byte _h;

	private const int XorKey = 514229;

	private ProtectedInt(int value)
		_ = value ^ XorKey;
		_h = GetHash(_);

	public static implicit operator ProtectedInt(int value)
		return new ProtectedInt(value);

	public static implicit operator int(ProtectedInt value) => value._ == 0 && value._h == 0 || value._h != GetHash(value._) ? 0 : value._ ^ XorKey;

	public override string ToString()
		return ((int) this).ToString();

	private static byte GetHash(int value)
		return (byte) (255 - value % 256);

public struct ProtectedFloat
	private int _;

	private byte _h;

	private const int XorKey = 514229;

	private ProtectedFloat(int value)
		_ = value ^ XorKey;
		_h = GetHash(_);

	public static implicit operator ProtectedFloat(float value)
		return new ProtectedFloat(BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0));

	public static implicit operator float(ProtectedFloat value) => value._ == 0 && value._h == 0 || value._h != GetHash(value._) ? 0f : BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(value._ ^ XorKey), 0);

	public override string ToString()
		return ((float) this).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

	private static byte GetHash(int value)
		return (byte) (255 - value % 256);

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