其中r是粒子之间的距离,k是键刚度常数,r 0是平衡键长;和莫尔斯电势:
在经典的分子动力学中,通常不引入诸如电子或电子云之类的物体,因此,为了模拟“正确”的角度,使用了键角的电势,即 势能对3个粒子坐标的函数依赖性。最方便的此类电势之一是谐波余弦:
int nBond; // number of bonds
int mxBond; // maximal number of bonds
int4* bonds; // array of bonds
int* nbonds; // count of bond for a given atom
int* neighToBind; // a neighbor of a given atom for binding
int* canBind; // flags that atom[iat] can be bind
int* r2Min; // distances for the nearest neighbor (used for binding)
int* parents; // indexes of one of the atom bonded with a given
cudaBond* bondTypes;
int** def_bonds; // array[nSpec][nSpec] of default bond types
int** bindBonds; // array[nSpec][nSpec] bond types created by binding
float** bindR2; // square of binding distance [nSpec][nSpec]
int nAngle; // number of angles
int mxAngle;
int4* angles; // array of angles
int* nangles; // number of angles for given atom
int* oldTypes;
cudaAngle* angleTypes;
int* specAngles; // [nSp] angle type formed by given species
struct cudaBond
int type; // potential type
int spec1, spec2; // type of atoms that connected by this bond type
int new_type[2]; // bond type after mutation
int new_spec1[2], new_spec2[2];
int mxEx, mnEx; // flags: maximum or minimum of bond length exists
float p0, p1, p2, p3, p4; // potential parameters
float r2min, r2max; // square of minimal and maximal bond length
float (*force_eng)(float r2, float r, float &eng, cudaBond *bond); // return energy
int count; // quantity of such bonds
float rSumm; // summ of lentghs (for mean length calculation)
int rCount; // number of measured lengths (for mean length calculation)
int ltSumm, ltCount; // for calculation of lifetime
struct cudaAngle
int type; // potential type
float p0, p1, p2; // potential parameters
void (*force_eng)(int4* angle, cudaAngle* type, cudaMD* md, float& eng);
type 字段定义电势的功能形式,new_type,new_spec1和new_spec是键类型的索引以及在键更改(断开或转变为其他类型的键)后要键合的原子类型。这些字段表示为具有两个元素的数组。第一种对应于长度小于r2min 1/2的情况,第二种对应于长度超过r2max 1/2的情况...该算法最困难的部分是应用所有键的特性,同时考虑到其断裂和转化的可能性,以及其他流动可能破坏相邻键的事实,这导致了键合原子类型的改变。让我用同一水的例子来解释。最初,该分子是电中性的,化学键是由氢和氧共有的电子形成的。粗略地说,我们可以说氢和氧原子上的电荷为零(实际上,电子密度移到了氧上,因此氢,δ+和氧-2δ-上有一个小的加号)。如果我们打破键,氧将最终为自己带来一个电子,而氢将释放它。得到的颗粒为H +和O - 。总共获得了5种类型的粒子,让我们按常规指定它们:H,H +,O,O-,O 2-。如果我们将两个氢都从水分子中分离出来,就会形成后者。因此,反应:
H ^ 2 -O - >ħ + + OH -
OH - - > H ^ + + O 2-。
化学专家会纠正我的观点,即在水的标准条件下,分解的第一阶段实际上没有进行(平衡时,只有10 7中有一个分子分解成离子,甚至还不如所写)。但是对于算法的描述,这样的方案将是说明性的。假设一个流处理水分子中的一个键,而另一个流处理同一分子中的第二个键。碰巧这两个关系都需要打破。然后一个流应变换原子成H +和O - ,并且所述第二成H +和O 2-。但是,如果数据流同时做到这一点,在程序开始的时候,氧气是在O状态和两个流转换制成O - ,这是不正确。我们需要以某种方式防止这种情况。处理化学键的功能的框图:
我们检查原子的当前类型是否对应于连接的类型,如果不是,则从默认类型的表中获取(必须预先编译),然后确定原子之间的距离的平方(r 2),如果连接隐含着最大或最小长度,则检查它是否不存在我们是否超越了这些界限。如果这样做,那么我们需要更改连接的类型或将其删除,并且在两种情况下都需要更改原子的类型。为此,将使用atomicCAS功能-我们将当前原子类型与应有的原子类型进行比较,在这种情况下,我们将其替换为新的原子类型。如果原子的类型已经被另一个线程更改,则返回到开头以覆盖链接类型。最坏的情况是如果我们设法更改第一个原子的类型,但不能更改第二个原子的类型。现在返回已经太晚了,因为在我们更改了第一个原子之后,其他线程已经可以对其进行处理。出路是什么?我建议我们假装我们正在破坏/更改其他类型的连接,而不是开始时使用的那种。我们发现最初的第一个原子与更改的第二个原子之间应该建立什么样的连接,并根据与最初预期相同的规则对其进行处理。如果在这种情况下原子的类型再次更改,我们将再次使用相同的方案。这里暗含着一种新型的键具有相同的特性-它以相同的长度断裂等,并且在断裂过程中形成的颗粒是按需的。由于用户触摸了此信息,因此我们将责任从我们的程序转移到他身上,他必须正确设置所有内容。代码:
__global__ void apply_bonds(int iStep, int bndPerBlock, int bndPerThread, cudaMD* md)
int def;
int id1, id2; // atom indexes
int old, old_spec2, spec1, spec2, new_spec1, new_spec2; // atom types
int new_bond_type;
int save_lt, need_r, loop; // flags to save lifetime, to need to calculate r^2 and to be in ‘while’ loop
int mnmx; // flag minimum or maximum
int action; // flag: 0 - do nothing, 1 - delete bond, 2 - transform bond
cudaBond *old_bnd, *cur_bnd; // old bond type, current bond type
float dx, dy, dz, r2, r;
float f, eng = 0.0f;
__shared__ float shEng;
int cnt; // count of change spec2 loops
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
shEng = 0.0f;
int id0 = blockIdx.x * bndPerBlock + threadIdx.x * bndPerThread;
int N = min(id0 + bndPerThread, md->nBond);
int iBnd;
for (iBnd = id0; iBnd < N; iBnd++)
if (md->bonds[iBnd].z) // the bond is not broken
// atom indexes
id1 = md->bonds[iBnd].x;
id2 = md->bonds[iBnd].y;
// atom types
spec1 = md->types[id1];
spec2 = md->types[id2];
old_bnd = &(md->bondTypes[md->bonds[iBnd].z]);
cur_bnd = old_bnd;
save_lt = 0;
need_r = 1;
loop = 1;
cnt = 0;
if ((cur_bnd->spec1 == spec1)&&(cur_bnd->spec2 == spec2))
if ((cur_bnd->spec1 == spec2) && (cur_bnd->spec2 == spec1))
invert_bond(id1, id2, spec1, spec2, &(md->bonds[iBnd]));
//... then ok
else // atom types do not correspond to bond types
save_lt = 1;
// end initial stage
while (loop)
if (save_lt)
def = md->def_bonds[spec1][spec2];
if (def == 0) // these atom types do not form a bond
printf("probably, something goes wrong\n");
action = 1; // delete
//! change bond type and go on
if (def < 0)
invert_bond(id1, id2, spec1, spec2, &(md->bonds[iBnd]));
def = -def;
md->bonds[iBnd].z = def;
cur_bnd = &(md->bondTypes[def]);
} // end if (save_lt)
// calculate distance (only once)
if (need_r)
dx = md->xyz[id1].x - md->xyz[id2].x;
dy = md->xyz[id1].y - md->xyz[id2].y;
dz = md->xyz[id1].z - md->xyz[id2].z;
delta_periodic(dx, dy, dz, md);
r2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
need_r = 0;
action = 0; // 0 - just cultivate bond 1 - delete bond 2 - transform bond
if ((cur_bnd->mxEx) && (r2 > cur_bnd->r2max))
mnmx = 1;
if (cur_bnd->new_type[mnmx] == 0) // delete bond
action = 1;
action = 2; // modify bond
else if ((cur_bnd->mnEx) && (r2 < cur_bnd->r2min))
mnmx = 0;
action = 2; // at minimum only bond modification possible
// end select action
// try to change atom types (if needed)
if (action)
save_lt = 1;
new_spec1 = cur_bnd->new_spec1[mnmx];
new_spec2 = cur_bnd->new_spec2[mnmx];
//the first atom
old = atomicCAS(&(md->types[id1]), spec1, new_spec1);
if (old != spec1)
spec1 = old;
spec2 = md->types[id2]; // refresh type of the 2nd atom
// return to begin of the ‘while’ loop
else // types[id1] have been changed
#ifdef USE_NEWANG // save changes in atom type
atomicCAS(&(md->oldTypes[id1]), -1, spec1);
old_spec2 = spec2;
while ((old = atomicCAS(&(md->types[id2]), old_spec2, new_spec2)) != old_spec2)
//! the worst variant: this thread changes atom 1, other thread changes atom 2
// imagine that we had A-old bond with the same behavior
def = md->def_bonds[spec1][old];
if (def == 0)
printf("UBEH[001]: in apply_bonds, change atom types. There are no bond types between Species[%d] and [%d]\n", spec1, old);
if (def < 0) // spec1 -> new_spec2 spec2 -> newSpec1
cur_bnd = &(md->bondTypes[-def]);
new_spec2 = cur_bnd->new_spec1[mnmx];
else // direct order
cur_bnd = &(md->bondTypes[def]);
new_spec2 = cur_bnd->new_spec2[mnmx];
old_spec2 = old;
if (cnt > 10)
printf("UBEH[002]: too many atempst to change spec2 = %d\n", spec2);
#ifdef USE_NEWANG // save changes in atom type
atomicCAS(&(md->oldTypes[id2]), -1, spec2);
loop = 0;
//end change types
} // end if (action)
loop = 0; // action == 0, out of cycle
} // end while(loop)
if (action == 2)
new_bond_type = cur_bnd->new_type[mnmx];
if (new_bond_type < 0)
md->bonds[iBnd].x = id2;
md->bonds[iBnd].y = id1;
new_bond_type = -new_bond_type;
md->bonds[iBnd].z = new_bond_type;
cur_bnd = &(md->bondTypes[new_bond_type]);
// perform calculations and save mean bond length
if (action != 1) // not delete
r = sqrt(r2);
f = cur_bnd->force_eng(r2, r, eng, cur_bnd);
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[id1].x), f * dx);
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[id2].x), -f * dx);
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[id1].y), f * dy);
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[id2].y), -f * dy);
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[id1].z), f * dz);
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[id2].z), -f * dz);
atomicAdd(&(cur_bnd->rSumm), r);
atomicAdd(&(cur_bnd->rCount), 1);
else //delete bond
// decrease the number of bonds for atoms
atomicSub(&(md->nbonds[id1]), 1);
atomicSub(&(md->nbonds[id2]), 1);
md->bonds[iBnd].z = 0;
// change parents
exclude_parents(id1, id2, md);
if (save_lt)
keep_bndlifetime(iStep, &(md->bonds[iBnd]), old_bnd);
if (action != 1) // not delete
atomicAdd(&(cur_bnd->count), 1);
atomicSub(&(old_bnd->count), 1);
} // end main loop
// split energy to shared and then to global memory
atomicAdd(&shEng, eng);
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
atomicAdd(&(md->engBond), shEng);
__device__ void exclude_parents(int id1, int id2, cudaMD* md)
// exclude id1 and id2 from parents of each other (if they are)
// and seek other parents if able
// flags to clear parent
int clear_1 = 0;
int clear_2 = 0;
int i, flag;
if (md->parents[id1] == id2)
clear_1 = 1;
if (md->parents[id2] == id1)
clear_2 = 1;
i = 0;
while ((i < md->nBond) && (clear_1 || clear_2))
if (md->bonds[i].z != 0)
flag = 0;
if (clear_1)
if (md->bonds[i].x == id1)
md->parents[id1] = md->bonds[i].y;
flag = 1;
else if (md->bonds[i].y == id1)
md->parents[id1] = md->bonds[i].y;
flag = 1;
if (flag)
clear_1 = 0;
if (clear_2)
if (md->bonds[i].x == id2)
md->parents[id2] = md->bonds[i].y;
flag = 1;
else if (md->bonds[i].y == id2)
md->parents[id2] = md->bonds[i].y;
flag = 1;
if (flag)
clear_2 = 0;
// be on the safe side
if (clear_1)
md->parents[id1] = -1;
if (clear_2)
md->parents[id2] = -1;
__device__ void try_to_bind(float r2, int id1, int id2, int spec1, int spec2, cudaMD *md)
int r2Int; // (int)r2 * const
// save parents to exclude re-linking
if (md->parents[id1] == id2)
if (md->parents[id2] == id1)
if (md->bindBonds[spec1][spec2] != 0)
if (r2 < md->bindR2[spec1][spec2])
r2Int = (int)(r2 * 100);
if (atomicMin(&(md->r2Min[id1]), r2Int) > r2Int) // replace was sucessfull
md->neighToBind[id1] = id2 + 1; // as 0 is reserved for no neighbour
md->canBind[id1] = 1;
// similar for the second atom
if (atomicMin(&(md->r2Min[id2]), r2Int) > r2Int) // replace was sucessfull
md->neighToBind[id2] = id1 + 1; // as 0 is reserved for no bind
md->canBind[id2] = 1;
bindBonds 矩阵存储有关这些类型的原子是否可以形成键以及是否可以形成键的信息。bindR2矩阵存储绑定所需原子之间的最大距离。如果所有条件都符合条件,则我们检查其他邻居的原子是否适合于键合,但更接近键合。
__global__ void create_bonds(int iStep, int atPerBlock, int atPerThread, cudaMD* md)
// connect atoms which are selected to form bonds
int id1, id2, nei; // neighbour index
int btype, bind; // bond type index and bond index
cudaBond* bnd;
int spec1, spec2; // species indexes
int id0 = blockIdx.x * atPerBlock + threadIdx.x * atPerThread;
int N = min(id0 + atPerThread, md->nAt);
int iat;
for (iat = id0; iat < N; iat++)
nei = md->neighToBind[iat];
if (nei) // neighbour exists
nei--; // (nei = spec_index + 1)
if (iat < nei)
id1 = iat;
id2 = nei;
id1 = nei;
id2 = iat;
// try to lock the first atom
if (atomicCAS(&(md->canBind[id1]), 1, 0) == 0) // the atom is already used
// try to lock the second atom
if (atomicCAS(&(md->canBind[id2]), 1, 0) == 0) // the atom is already used
// unlock the first one back
atomicExch(&(md->canBind[id1]), 1);
// create bond iat-nei
bind = atomicAdd(&(md->nBond), 1);
if (bind >= md->mxBond)
printf("UBEH[003]: Exceed maximal number of bonds, %d\n", md->mxBond);
spec1 = md->types[id1];
spec2 = md->types[id2];
#ifdef USE_NEWANG // save that we have changed atom type
atomicCAS(&(md->oldTypes[id1]), -1, spec1);
atomicCAS(&(md->oldTypes[id2]), -1, spec2);
btype = md->bindBonds[spec1][spec2];
if (btype < 0)
// invert atoms order
md->bonds[bind].x = id2;
md->bonds[bind].y = id1;
md->bonds[bind].z = -btype;
bnd = &(md->bondTypes[-btype]);
// change atom types according the formed bond
md->types[id1] = bnd->spec2;
md->types[id2] = bnd->spec1;
md->bonds[bind].x = id1;
md->bonds[bind].y = id2;
md->bonds[bind].z = btype;
bnd = &(md->bondTypes[btype]);
// change atom types according the formed bond
md->types[id1] = bnd->spec1;
md->types[id2] = bnd->spec2;
atomicAdd((&bnd->count), 1);
md->bonds[bind].w = iStep; // keep time of the bond creation for lifetime calculation
atomicAdd(&(md->nbonds[id1]), 1);
atomicAdd(&(md->nbonds[id2]), 1);
// replace parents if none:
atomicCAS(&(md->parents[id1]), -1, id2);
atomicCAS(&(md->parents[id2]), -1, id1);
// end loop by atoms
__global__ void clear_bonds(cudaMD* md)
// clear bonds with .z == 0
int i = 0;
int j = md->nBond - 1;
while (i < j)
while ((md->bonds[j].z == 0) && (j > i))
while ((md->bonds[i].z != 0) && (i < j))
if (i < j)
md->bonds[i] = md->bonds[j];
md->bonds[j].z = 0;
if ((i == j) && (md->bonds[i].z == 0))
md->nBond = j;
md->nBond = j + 1;
对于价键,我将介绍一些假设,以使算法和功能更轻松,结果,它们将比价键更简单。首先,键角的参数应取决于所有三个原子,但是在这里我们将假设键角的类型仅决定原子在其顶点处的位置。我提出了最简单的形成/去除角的算法:每当我们改变原子的类型时,我们都会在相应的数组oldTypes []中记住这一事实。数组的大小等于原子数,最初用-1填充。如果函数更改原子的类型,则将-1替换为原始类型的索引。对于所有已更改类型的原子,请删除所有键角,并遍历此原子的所有键以添加相应的角:
__global__ void refresh_angles(int iStep, int atPerBlock, int atPerThread, cudaMD *md)
// delete old angles and create new ones for atoms which change their type
int i, j, n, t, ang;
int nei[8]; // bonded neighbors of given atom
int cnt;
int id0 = blockIdx.x * atPerBlock + threadIdx.x * atPerThread;
int N = min(id0 + atPerThread, md->nAt);
int iat;
for (iat = id0; iat < N; iat++)
if (md->oldTypes[iat] != -1)
i = 0;
n = md->nangles[iat];
while (n && (i < md->nAngle))
if (md->angles[i].w)
if (md->angles[i].x == iat)
md->angles[i].w = 0;
// create new angles
t = md->specAngles[md->types[iat]]; // get type of angle, which formed by current atom type
if (t && (md->nbonds[iat] > 1)) // atom type supports angle creating and number of bonds is enough
// search of neighbors by bonds
i = 0; cnt = 0;
n = md->nbonds[iat];
while (n && (i < md->nBond))
if (md->bonds[i].z) // if bond isn't deleted
if (md->bonds[i].x == iat)
nei[cnt] = md->bonds[i].y;
else if (md->bonds[i].y == iat)
nei[cnt] = md->bonds[i].x;
// add new angles based on found neighbors:
for (i = 0; i < cnt-1; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < cnt; j++)
ang = atomicAdd(&(md->nAngle), 1);
md->angles[ang].x = iat;
md->angles[ang].y = nei[i];
md->angles[ang].z = nei[j];
md->angles[ang].w = t;
n = (cnt * (cnt - 1)) / 2;
md->nangles[iat] = n;
// reset flag
md->oldTypes[iat] = -1;
__global__ void apply_angles(int iStep, int angPerBlock, int angPerThread, cudaMD* md)
// apply valence angle potentials
cudaAngle* ang;
// energies of angle potential
float eng;
__shared__ float shEng;
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
shEng = 0.0f;
int id0 = blockIdx.x * angPerBlock + threadIdx.x * angPerThread;
int N = min(id0 + angPerThread, md->nAngle);
int i;
for (i = id0; i < N; i++)
if (md->angles[i].w)
ang = &(md->angleTypes[md->angles[i].w]);
ang->force_eng(&(md->angles[i]), ang, md, eng);
// split energy to shared and then to global memory
atomicAdd(&shEng, eng);
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
atomicAdd(&(md->engAngl), shEng);
__device__ void angle_hcos(int4* angle, cudaAngle* type, cudaMD* md, float& eng)
// harmonic cosine valent angle potential:
// U = k / 2 * (cos(th)-cos(th0))^
float k = type->p0;
float cos0 = type->p1;
// indexes of central atom and ligands:
int c = angle->x;
int l1 = angle->y;
int l2 = angle->z;
// vector ij
float xij = md->xyz[l1].x - md->xyz[c].x;
float yij = md->xyz[l1].y - md->xyz[c].y;
float zij = md->xyz[l1].z - md->xyz[c].z;
delta_periodic(xij, yij, zij, md);
float r2ij = xij * xij + yij * yij + zij * zij;
float rij = sqrt(r2ij);
// vector ik
float xik = md->xyz[l2].x - md->xyz[c].x;
float yik = md->xyz[l2].y - md->xyz[c].y;
float zik = md->xyz[l2].z - md->xyz[c].z;
delta_periodic(xik, yik, zik, md);
float r2ik = xik * xik + yik * yik + zik * zik;
float rik = sqrt(r2ik);
float cos_th = (xij * xik + yij * yik + zij * zik) / rij / rik;
float dCos = cos_th - cos0; // delta cosinus
float c1 = -k * dCos;
float c2 = 1.0 / rij / rik;
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[c].x), -c1 * (xik * c2 + xij * c2 - cos_th * (xij / r2ij + xik / r2ik)));
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[c].y), -c1 * (yik * c2 + yij * c2 - cos_th * (yij / r2ij + yik / r2ik)));
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[c].z), -c1 * (zik * c2 + zij * c2 - cos_th * (zij / r2ij + zik / r2ik)));
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[l1].x), c1 * (xik * c2 - cos_th * xij / r2ij));
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[l1].y), c1 * (yik * c2 - cos_th * yij / r2ij));
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[l1].z), c1 * (zik * c2 - cos_th * zij / r2ij));
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[l2].x), c1 * (xij * c2 - cos_th * xik / r2ik));
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[l2].y), c1 * (yij * c2 - cos_th * yik / r2ik));
atomicAdd(&(md->frs[l2].z), c1 * (zij * c2 - cos_th * zik / r2ik));
eng += 0.5 * k * dCos * dCos;
- 在这里,我们仅使用一个约束标准-距离,尽管原则上可能存在其他标准,例如系统的能量。实际上,通常当形成化学键时,能量以热的形式释放。这里没有考虑到这一点,但是您可以尝试实现它,例如,更改粒子速度。
- 粒子之间通过化学键电势进行的相互作用并不能否认粒子仍可以通过分子间对电势和库仑相互作用进行相互作用的事实。当然,可能不计算束缚原子的分子间相互作用,但是在一般情况下,这需要长时间检查。因此,更容易以这样的方式设置化学键电势,使得其与其他电势之和提供期望的功能。
- 由于粒子相互竞争,因此并行执行粒子绑定不仅可以提高速度,而且看起来更加逼真。