
*“混蛋”是“ git”一词的松散翻译-“一个不愉快或可鄙的人”,“一个不愉快或可鄙的人”。

15 Git . , git , -, , -, - .

, , . , git , , , git rebase --merge --autostash.

1. git

, git? SourceTree, , .

, , vim VS Code, , , .


  • .
  • ( ) , git status.
  • .
  • … , / .

git , .

  • , , git , GUI — .
  • " ".

  • . " " , — - . .
  • , . git pull --ff-only — :

    > git pull origin master --ff-only
    From ../habr2
    * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
    error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
    Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.
    Updating 6d1c088..a113bf7

, , , , .

VS Code GitLens .

  • gitlens.diffWithBranch — .
  • - , — . . , , , .

2. , , .

, : (--system), (--global) (--local). , , — , — , — . , .

(Upd. , , worktree. worktree . .)

? , core.eol, , user.name user.email, . , , , (== ) user.name/email.

, , . , user.name/email , , .

3. stash

, , , . , git stash ( . ""), "" . :

  • --amend , stash . git stash save ( save ). — git stash apply ( ) git stash pop ( ). , , , .
  • stash- , , stash, , .
  • stash (modified) (untracked). , , , , , -.

, stash? — WIP ( "Work In Progress"). , , .

stash ? , . , , . , "" , . - - :

git config --global alias.sshow "!f() { git stash show stash^{/$*} -p; }; f"
git config --global alias.sapply "!f() { git stash apply stash^{/$*}; }; f"

git stash save "hack"
git sshow "hack"
git sapply "hack"

4. "-"

, , , "-":

git checkout -

Windows , Linux bash:

cd /some/long/path
cd -

5. ,

, — , , ( Unity).

. , . . worktree: . :

$ git worktree add -b emergency-fix ../temp master
$ pushd ../temp
# ... hack hack hack ...
$ git commit -a -m 'emergency fix for boss'
$ popd
$ git worktree remove ../temp

, , .

6. pull fast-forward

, , pull fetch ( ) merge ( ), fast-forward — , "" . , -.

git pull --rebase, , , origin master pull (, , rebase).

, , pull- , --ff-only :

git config --global pull.ff only


  • , .
  • , , ( ).
  • , pull — , git pull origin master upstream my_feature.
  • , .

7. git exclude

.gitignore, , .

.git/info/exclude. :

git config --global alias.exclude '!f() { vim .git/info/exclude; }; f'

( .)

  • .git/info/exclude , .gitignore.
  • .
  • , , .gitignore (untracked) . "" . ( IDE, , .vscode/settings.json), git rm <path> --cached — , , exclude.
  • - , :

    git config --global core.excludesfile <path to global .gitignore>

8. , ""

, . : , , . ( , .editorconfig) / (.vscode/tasks.json). , - , "" "" .

: , . :

git update-index --assume-unchanged <path to file>

" " . pull- — , . , , no:

git update-index --no-assume-unchanged <path to file>


. , , , , , . , . , . stash , , .

, . , , — . . ./out — , .

, , , , .git. , gitdir. … git init --separate-git-dir=.git_dev , . : , .

? , ! .git_dev? . , :

git config --global alias.dev '!git --git-dir=\"./.git_dev\"'


> git status -s
?? .git_dev/

> git dev status -s
?? .git_dev/
?? .gitignore
?? Program.cs
?? habr.csproj

. , , - checkout , (, , ).

.git/ , , , . — .gitignore , , , -f, — .git_dev/info/exclude. :

# ignore all files
# ignore all folders

, git , .vimrc, .bashrc, ~ ( Windows C:\Users\%USERNAME%\).


, , . git bash Unix-like Windows, , - , . , , :

  • / ;
  • ;
  • .

, - , Hamster, . .git_dev , "" .



感谢您的关注; 祝大家工作愉快愉快。


. :

    # `git sshow hack` -     ,  "hack".    
    sshow = "!f() { git stash show stash^{/$*} -p; }; f"

    # `git sapply hack` -   "hack"
    sapply = "!f() { git stash apply stash^{/$*}; }; f"

    #   `.git_dev`
    dev = !git --git-dir=\"./.git_dev\"

    #    `.git/`  `.git_dev/` 
    statys = "!f() { git status ; echo \"\n\" ; git dev status ; }; f"

    findb = "!f(){ git branch -ra | grep $1; }; f"

    #     .    `git hist -n 10`,  10
    hist = log --pretty=format:\"%ad | %h | %an: \t %s%d\" --date=short -n5

    # `git dist branch-name`          branch-name 
    dist = "!git log --pretty=format:\"%ad | %h | %an: \t %s%d\" --date=short \"$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\" --not "

    #   `exclude`
    exclude = "!f() { vim .git/info/exclude; }; f"

    #   ,   `--assume-unchanged`
    ignored = !git ls-files -v | grep "^[[:lower:]]"

    #     - ,  `git reset HEAD~1`
    forward = "!f() { git log --pretty=oneline --all | grep -B1 `git rev-parse HEAD` | head -n1 | egrep -o '[a-f0-9]{20,}' | xargs git checkout ; }; f"

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