
我与Hey的技术总监-David Hansson进行了交谈。他是Ruby on Rails开发人员和Basecamp的共同创始人,因此在俄罗斯读者中广为人知。我们讨论了在App Store中阻止Hey更新(有关情况),服务的开发以及数据隐私。



来自Basecamp开发商Hey.com电子邮件服务于6月15日登陆App Store,几乎立即成为主流媒体的头条新闻。事实是,该版本发布后不久,就为该应用程序发布了一个修正补丁,但苹果专家拒绝了该补丁


该应用程序的作者Jason Fried和David Heinemeier Hansson不同意这一要求。他们坚持认为,相应的条款将不适用于他们的情况,因为嘿用户在官方网站上为订阅付费,并且他们仅使用移动应用程序登录系统。Spotify和Netflix的工作方式相似。






App Store的故事仍被广泛讨论。当苹果拒绝发布第一个更新时,您考虑采取什么“变通办法”?批准更新后,应用程序内购买情况将如何发展?在法规方面,我们可以期望该领域发生任何变化吗?

我们最终有权将应用程序放置在App Store中,而无需进行应用内购买和30%的佣金。的确,为此,我们被迫提供另一种免费服务,我对此不太满意。但是什么也做不了。尽管现在苹果的做法正在积极研究欧美监管机构。

1. The App Store situation is still getting a lot of attention, so let's start there. What workarounds did you and your team consider when Apple first refused to publish the update? How has the IAP dispute progressed now that the update is approved? What regulatory developments should we expect in the near future?

We've finally won a definitive right to exist in the App Store without paying the 30% fee or offering IAP. We had to offer a different free service, which I do not love, but so it goes. Apple is facing intense scrutiny in both the EU and US right now.


WWDC , App Store. , , ? , Hey, Gmail (G Suite) Netflix.

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: English
2. Do you believe that Apple's pre-WWDC decision to overhaul the way they handle appeals is enough to level the playing field for smaller developers? Will products such as HEY finally get the chance to compete against the likes of Gmail (G Suite) and Netflix?

Absolutely not. It was a very small, almost token, step forward. But hopefully it's the start of actually doing the work to level the playing field.

? … , , — , Basecamp? ?

, . , , . Hey , Basecamp. , . https://basecamp.com/jobs.

: English
3. Has this publicity impacted the morale of your engineering team? It's not every day that seemingly everyone is talking about your product… Could you tell me more about the engineering team? Does it in any way overlap with the team behind Basecamp? Are there people working on both products at once? Did you invite any of your former colleagues to work on HEY? How did you pick the initial members of this team and how did you approach expanding it?

It was a crushing first two weeks. Filled with anxiety and overwork. Not a happy time. I'm glad we're past it now. It's the same team that runs Basecamp. But now that HEY is a huge success we will be hiring quite a lot in the next few months. All postings appear on basecamp.com/jobs.


, Hey UI-, Basecamp. ? , , UI- WebView HTML? ?

, . , Hey .

: English
4. It is my understanding that HEY incorporates a greater number of native UI solutions compared to, say, Basecamp. Given the added complexity, has it been a challenge to keep development teams small? According to Sam Stephenson, you even built a library that generates native UI elements based on your web views' HTML. Has this decision helped reduce the number of staff?

Yes, we will reveal all our new tech later this year. We worked hard to ensure that HEY could be built by a small team, and maintained too.

DHH在Railsconf 2020的一次采访中指出,只有两个团队,三个人为Hey开发移动应用程序。在技​​术方面,他们使用Turbolinks来加速页面呈现-它处理用户提交的表单,并且不需要rails-ujs。开发人员还为UI集成了一个新库:它将Web视图转换为菜单项。将来,他们计划将其开源。

Hey HTML, . , , . , email-?

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: English
5. HEY's focus on plain old HTML is surprising for a contemporary product. You stuck with server-side rendering while employing a number of tailor-made solutions to benefit from modern innovations. Are you keeping things ‘simple’ to make a statement about the standard-breaking practices of mainstream email providers?

We're keeping things simpler because it works! It allows a small team to do so much more. Making a point that modern complexity is not necessary is a nice bonus, but it's not the point. The point is to build a great product with a small team in a way where we can enjoy ourselves.


. . , , ?

, . , . Hey, , .

: English
6. Let's talk about the recent controversy surrounding the email sharing feature. You promptly disabled it and promised to be more mindful of your services' potential for abuse. What choices have you already made to ensure the security of your users' data and what further actions are you planning on taking?

We hadn't thought that public link feature through from the abuse angle. So we're putting it back on the drawing board until we can do better. When something appears on hey.com, they have to be able to trust that it's done right and with consent.



, — . , in-app purchases, , Twitter.

, , Hey? ? , ?

25 . Basecamp , — . , Hey , , , .

: English
7. You often talk about the importance of having good written communication skills, particularly for developers. During the IAP crisis you proved yourself to be more than capable of standing your ground on Twitter. How did you organise the written exchange of ideas that led to the development of HEY? How did the product conceptually evolve over these two years? Are you happy with the results or should we expect big changes in the near future?

I've been writing for the web for 25 years. I keep practicing! And we're a very writing-focused organization at Basecamp. Have been since the start. So all that came naturally. I think HEY's core vision is incredibly strong, but of course we'll expand and make things better.



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