
QA圣经是200 ++页,内容包括对QA的真实访谈,对来自外国资源的有趣内容的翻译以及来自国内资源的材料汇总的答案的更新组合。最初,它已经拥有数千个关于存储库的独特视图,并获得了来自社区的巨大正面反馈,这为那些怀疑是否信任这种材料还是在这里做出贡献的人们提供了保证。

注意!为了查看全部内容,您需要在github上的文件中打开第一部分或第二部分(Manual part 1Manual part 2)。





如果您有要修复或添加的内容-写给tg @ VA610 /创建问题/分叉并提交!我将尝试尽快处理任何评论,对丢失主题的任何请求!




  • 人力资源阶段真实面试的问题


  • 软件测试是什么意思?
  • ?
  • (Quality Assurance — QA) ?
  • (Quality Control — QC) ?
  • ? (Software Quality)
  • QA, QC
  • Verification ?
  • Validation ?
  • Design Verification Design Validation?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ? (Test Coverage)
  • (TMM — Test Maturity Model)?
  • ? (Shift left testing)
  • ? (Independent testing)
  • ? (Preventative and Reactive approaches)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • , ?
  • , ?
  • ?
  • / ?
  • — , ? ?
  • SDET?
  • ? (TaaS – testing as a Service)
  • ? (Test Environment/Test Bed)
  • ?
  • ?
  • -?
  • ? (Pilot)
  • build release?
  • – (domain)?
  • – . ?
  • ?

  • ?
  • ? (White/Black/Grey Box)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ? (Grey box)
  • White/grey/black box?
  • // ? (DT — Destructive testing)
  • // ? (NDT – Non Destructive testing)
  • / ? (Testing Levels)
  • // ? (Component/Module/Unit testing)
  • ? (Integration testing)
  • Unit testing Integration testing?
  • ? (SIT — System Integration testing)
  • ? (Incremental Approach)
  • -? (Bottom-Up Approach)
  • -? (Top-Down Approach)
  • /-? (Sandwich Approach)
  • ? (Big Bang Approach)
  • - -? (Test Driver and Test Stub)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • /? (Compatibility/Interoperability testing)
  • ? (Conformance/Compilance testing)
  • ?
  • ?
  • , ?
  • ?
  • /? (Capacity)
  • ? (Scalability)
  • / ? (Capacity vs Scalability)
  • ? (Stress testing)
  • ? (Load)
  • ? (Volume testing)
  • // (Soak/Endurance/Stability/Reliability testing)
  • / ? (Spike)
  • ? (Resilence)
  • ? (Response time testing)
  • Ramp ?
  • ? (Storage testing)
  • ? (Failover and Recovery testing)
  • ? (Usability testing)
  • ? (Usability Vs. Accessibility testing)
  • ? (UI testing)
  • /? (Workflow testing)
  • ? (UAT – User Acceptance testing)
  • ? (OAT — Operational Acceptance testing)
  • ?
  • ? (Security and Access Control testing)
  • /? (Vulnerability Assessment)
  • ? (Penetration testing)
  • Vulnerability Assessment Penetration testing?
  • Fuzz ?
  • ?
  • ? (Configuration testing)
  • ? (Regression testing)
  • ?
  • / ? (Smoke testing)
  • ? (Shake out testing)
  • //? (Sanity testing)
  • ? (Sanity vs Smoke testing)
  • ?
  • , N+1?
  • ? (confirmation/re-testing)
  • ? (Build Verification Test)
  • cookie?
  • ? (Thread testing)
  • ? (Documentation testing)
  • ?
  • ? (Subcutaneous test)
  • , ? (Localization/ globalization/internationalization testing)
  • ? (Exploratory testing)
  • ?
  • ? (Adhoc)
  • ? (Mutation testing)
  • ? (Keyword Driven testing Framework)
  • (API — Application Programming Interface)?
  • API / ?
  • endpoint?
  • Frontend testing Vs. Backend testing?
  • ? (Baseline testing)
  • Baseline Benchmark testing?
  • / ? (Concurrency/Multi-user testing)
  • , ?
  • / ? (GUI — Graphical User Interface)
  • A/B ?
  • ? (E2E — End–to–End)
  • E2E ?
  • ? (Parallel testing)

  • ? (Test Design)
  • -?
  • , ?
  • , ?
  • Review ?
  • Data Flow testing?
  • Control Flow testing?
  • Loop coverage?
  • Race coverage?
  • ? (Path testing & Basis Path testing)
  • Statement coverage?
  • Decision coverage?
  • Branch coverage?
  • Condition coverage?
  • FSM coverage?
  • Function coverage?
  • Call coverage?
  • LCSAJ coverage?
  • Equivalence Partitioning?
  • Boundary Value Analysis?
  • Error Guessing?
  • Cause/Effect?
  • Exhaustive testing?
  • -?
  • ? (OAT — Orthogonal Array testing)
  • Domain analysis/testing?
  • Cyclomatic Complexity ?
  • State Transition testing?
  • Scenario (use case) testing?
  • Decision Table testing?
  • Random testing?
  • Syntax testing?
  • Classification tree method?
  • , ?
  • ? (RTM — Requirement Traceability Matrix)
  • Test matrix Traceability matrix?
  • GAP?
  • - ? (Cause Effect Graph)
  • ? (Error guessing and error seeding)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?

Manual part 2

(Test Deliverables/TestWare/test artifacts)

  • ?
  • - ?
  • Test Suite Test Scenario?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ? (PAP — Product Acceptance Plan)
  • - -?
  • - ?
  • Test case ?
  • -/ ? (Test Analysis/Test Basis)
  • - (BRD)?
  • (/ . .)?
  • , ?

  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • Error/Mistake/Defect/Bug/Failure/Fault?
  • ?
  • , ?
  • (Severity & Priority)
  • severity priority? ?
  • ?
  • , ?
  • ? (Bug Leackage & Bug Release)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ? (DRP)
  • Test case ? (TCE)
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ? (Debugging Vs. Testing)
  • ?
  • , ?
  • ?
  • , ?
  • ?
  • coupling cohesion?
  • ? (Latent defect)
  • , ?
  • ? (Debugging)
  • ? (DRE — Defect Removal Efficiency)
  • ? (Bug triage)


  • ? (SDLC — Software Development Lifecycle)
  • / ? (Deming circle/cycle/wheel)
  • ?
  • Agile?
  • Scrum?
  • Scrum?
  • Canban scrum?
  • User stories ?
  • ? (STLC – Software Testing Lifecycle)
  • ? (Test Estimation)
  • ? (RAD — Rapid Application Development)
  • (TDD — Test Driven Development)?
  • TDD Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD)
  • (MDD — Model-driven Development)
  • (DDT — Data Driven testing)
  • (RBT — Risk Based Testing)
  • ? (BFT — BusinessFlowTesting)

/ (testing different domains)

  • - ?
  • (eCommerce)
  • (Payment Gateway)
  • (POS — Point Of Sale)
  • (Insurance)
  • (Telecom)
  • : L2 L3 OSI
  • (IoT — Internet of Things)
  • ? (Cloud testing)
  • - ? (SOA — Service Oriented Architecture)
  • ? (ERP — Enterprise Resource Planning)
  • WebRTC-based
  • ETL?

  • ?
  • ?
  • web?
  • ? Activity Lifecycle?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • Android/iOS, ?
  • iOS Android?
  • ..?
  • ?
  • , ?
  • PWA?

  • http?
  • HTTP?
  • HTTP-?
  • ?
  • -? (WS — Web service)
  • ?
  • -?
  • REST, SOAP? ?
  • JSON, XML?
  • / ? (HTTP status code)
  • 404 4** — , 5**?
  • ?
  • TCP/IP ?
  • (cookies)?
  • cookie /?
  • stateless stateful?
  • — ?
  • OSI?
  • ? (Streaming media)
  • Linux?
  • ?
  • - vs. -, ? (Adaptive Vs. Responsive)
  • , /// -? (, Adaptive design)
  • ?
  • /? , ?
  • e-mail ?
  • ?
  • AJAX ?
  • ()?
  • ?
  • Wi-Fi?

  • ?
  • SQL?
  • NoSQL?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ? (Indexes)
  • ?
  • , ?
  • ?
  • SQL?
  • ? (Join)
  • SQL?

  • . .
  • SQL
  • HR:您将如何解决团队成员之间的冲突?
  • HR:如果开发人员声称发现的缺陷不是缺陷怎么办?
  • 这是一台计算机和一个正常工作的网站。给我一个401错误。


  • 办法
  • 简历
  • 面试
  • 新手测试人员的工作中的错误


  • YouTube频道
  • 电报
  • 网页
  • 图书
  • 培训班


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