

为了不白白浪费读者的时间,我们将立即在“ e”上打点。








  • 基准代码和测试结果可在GitHub上获得
  • 用于测量JMH 1.23
  • 测量是在装有Intel Core i7-7700的工作计算机上进行的(数字本身并不重要,它们与确定的模式之间的关系很重要)
  • 默认情况下使用JDK 11,但也使用8和14(在相应页面上有明确说明)
  • 基准测试模式:平均执行时间+内存消耗(越少越好)





: java.lang.String. ( ), :

  • JEP 192: String Deduplication in G1
  • JEP 250: Store Interned Strings in CDS Archives
  • JEP 254: Compact Strings
  • JEP 280: IndifyString Concatenation
  • JEP 326: Raw String Literals (Preview)
  • JEP 355: Text Blocks (Preview)
  • JEP 348: Compiler Intrinsics for Java SE APIs ( String.format())

— — java.lang.String "" "", .

java.lang.String. :

  • []
  • [ ]
  • ,

, :

  • /

, : , , . , . , : (JEP 192). : ( ).

— - ( ), — . .

JLS 15.18.1 , [] , , .


  • : ,
  • :

(). , :

  • equals() / hashCode()
  • -
  • java.lang.Comparable ( TreeMap)
  • Object.equals()
  • obj.toString()

, - , HashMap EnumMap:

Map<String, ?> map = new HashMap<>();

class Constants {
  static final String MarginLeft = "margl";
  static final String MarginRight = "margr";
  static final String MarginTop = "margt";
  static final String MarginBottom = "margb";

Map<String, ?> map = new EnumMap<>(Constants.class);

enum Constants {


public Object hm() {
  var map = new HashMap<>();
  map.put(Constants.MarginLeft, 1);
  map.put(Constants.MarginRight, 2);
  map.put(Constants.MarginTop, 3);
  map.put(Constants.MarginBottom, 4);
  return map;

public Object em() {
  var map = new EnumMap<>(ConstantsEnum.class);
  map.put(ConstantsEnum.MarginLeft, 1);
  map.put(ConstantsEnum.MarginRight, 2);
  map.put(ConstantsEnum.MarginTop, 3);
  map.put(ConstantsEnum.MarginBottom, 4);
  return map;


                               Mode    Score    Error   Units

enumMap                        avgt   23.487 ±  0.694   ns/op
hashMap                        avgt   67.480 ±  2.395   ns/op

enumMap:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt   72.000 ±  0.001    B/op
hashMap:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt  256.000 ±  0.001    B/op


public void hashMap(Data data, Blackhole bh) {
  Map<String, Integer> map = data.hashMap;

  for (String key : data.hashMapKeySet) {

public void enumMap(Data data, Blackhole bh) {
  Map<ConstantsEnum, Integer> map = data.enumMap;

  for (ConstantsEnum key : data.enumMapKeySet) {

                               Mode    Score    Error   Units

enumMap                        avgt   36.397 ±  3.080   ns/op
hashMap                        avgt   55.652 ±  4.375   ns/op


// org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy

Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();

getCallbacks(Class<?> rootClass) {
  Method[] methods = rootClass.getMethods();
  for (intx = 0; x < methods.length; x++) {
    map.put(methods[x].toString(), x);          // <------

accept(Method method) {
  String key = method.toString();
  // key     

: java.lang.reflect.Method.toString() . ?

public class MethodToStringBenchmark {
  private Method method;

  public void setup() throws Exception {
    method = getClass().getMethod("toString");

  public String methodToString() { return method.toString(); }

method.toString() :

"public java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString()"


                                       Mode  Score  Error   Units

methodToString                         avgt   85,4 ±  1,3   ns/op
methodToString:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     avgt  344,0 ±  0,0    B/op

, :

public class MethodToStringBenchmark {
  private Method method;

  public void setup() throws Exception {
    method = getClass().getMethod("getInstance");

  public String methodToString() { return method.toString(); }

  MethodToStringBenchmark getInstance() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
    return null;


                                       Mode     Score    Error   Units

methodToString                         avgt   199.765 ±  3.807   ns/op
methodToString:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     avgt  1126.400 ±  9.817    B/op


"public tsypanov.strings.reflection.MethodToStringBenchmark tsypanov.strings.reflection.MethodToStringBenchmark.getInstance() throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException"

, enum- . java.lang.reflect.Method. , :

  • equals() / hashCode()
  • *



- :

public final class Method extends Executable {
  public void setAccessible(boolean flag) {
      if (flag) checkCanSetAccessible(Reflection.getCallerClass());

, , , "!". Method.setAccessible() equals()/hashCode() .


  • java.lang.reflect.Method Comparable
  • - Method - ( )

"-" , String Method.

? , CglibAopProxy:

public class AspectConfig {

  ServiceAspect serviceAspect() { return new ServiceAspect(); }

  AspectedService aspectedService() { return new AspectedServiceImpl(); }

  AbstractAutoProxyCreator proxyCreator() {
    var factory = new AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator();
    factory.setFrozen(true);           // <---  
    return factory;

: - ( , ) 1 , 1 . , , "", "" (. ).


public class AspectPrototypeBenchmark {
  private AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context;

  public void setUp() {
    context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AspectConfig.class);

  public AspectedService getAdvisedBean() {
    return context.getBean(AspectedService.class);

  public void closeContext() { context.close(); }


                                       Mode      Score     Error   Units

getAdvisedBean                         avgt     14.024 ±   0.164   us/op
getAdvisedBean:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     avgt  10983.307 ±  14.193    B/op

getAdvisedBean                         avgt      8.150 ±   0.202   us/op
getAdvisedBean:·gc.alloc.rate.norm     avgt   7133.664 ±   5.594    B/op

, .

.. , , "".

JDK ObjectStreamClass, , — FieldReflectorKey, .

public class ObjectStreamClass implements Serializable {

  private static class Caches {
    static final ConcurrentMap<FieldReflectorKey, Reference<?>> reflectors =
            new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

  private static class FieldReflectorKey extends WeakReference<Class<?>> {
    private final String sigs;
    private final int hash;
    private final boolean nullClass;

    // ...

: JDK-6996807 FieldReflectorKey hash code computation can be improved. : - . :

FieldReflectorKey(Class<?> cl, ObjectStreamField[] fields,
                    ReferenceQueue<Class<?>> queue)
  super(cl, queue);
  nullClass = (cl == null);
  StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder();  // <---- !!!
  for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
    ObjectStreamField f = fields[i];
  sigs = sbuf.toString();
  hash = System.identityHashCode(cl) + sigs.hashCode();


FieldReflectorKey(Class<?> cl, ObjectStreamField[] fields,
                  ReferenceQueue<Class<?>> queue)
  super(cl, queue);
  nullClass = (cl == null);
  sigs = new String[2 * fields.length];
  for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
    ObjectStreamField f = fields[i];
    sigs[j++] = f.getName();
    sigs[j++] = f.getSignature();
  hash = System.identityHashCode(cl) + Arrays.hashCode(sigs);

, , :

SPECjvm2008:serial improves a little bit with this patch, and the allocation rate is down ~5%.

"" o.s.context.support.StaticMessageSource:

public class StaticMessageSource extends AbstractMessageSource {
  private final Map<String, String> messages = new HashMap<>();

  protected String resolveCodeWithoutArguments(String code, Locale locale) {
    return this.messages.get(code + '_' + locale.toString());

  public void addMessage(String code, Locale locale, String msg) {
    // ...
    this.messages.put(code + '_' + locale.toString(), msg);


private final String code = "code1";
private final Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();

public Object concatenation(Data data) {
  return data.stringObjectMap.get(data.code + '_' + data.locale);

concatenation                          avgt     53.241 ±   1.494   ns/op
concatenation:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt    120.000 ±   0.001    B/op

— ,

private static final class Key {
  private final String code;
  private final Locale locale;


Arrays.asList(code, locale);
//    JDK
List.of(code, locale)

( Java 14)

private static record KeyRec(String code, Locale locale) {}


                                       Mode      Score     Error   Units

compositeKey                           avgt      6.065 ±   0.415   ns/op
concatenation                          avgt     53.241 ±   1.494   ns/op
list                                   avgt     31.001 ±   1.621   ns/op

compositeKey:·gc.alloc.rate.norm       avgt     ≈ 10⁻⁶              B/op
concatenation:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt    120.000 ±   0.001    B/op
list:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               avgt     80.000 ±   0.001    B/op

, 1 0 , . . ( ), . , . , , :

                                       Mode      Score     Error   Units

compositeKey                           avgt      6.065 ±   0.415   ns/op
mapInMap                               avgt      9.330 ±   1.010   ns/op

mapInMap:·gc.alloc.rate.norm           avgt     ≈ 10⁻⁵              B/op
compositeKey:·gc.alloc.rate.norm       avgt     ≈ 10⁻⁶              B/op

, :

    JDK 14
                                       Mode      Score     Error   Units

compositeKey                           avgt      7.803 ±   0.647   ns/op
mapInMap                               avgt      9.330 ±   1.010   ns/op
record                                 avgt     13.240 ±   0.691   ns/op
list                                   avgt     37.316 ±   6.355   ns/op
concatenation                          avgt     69.781 ±   7.604   ns/op

compositeKey:·gc.alloc.rate.norm       avgt     24.001 ±   0.001    B/op
mapInMap:·gc.alloc.rate.norm           avgt     ≈ 10⁻⁵              B/op
record:·gc.alloc.rate.norm             avgt     24.001 ±   0.001    B/op
list:·gc.alloc.rate.norm               avgt    105.602 ±   9.786    B/op
concatenation:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt    144.004 ±   0.001    B/op

-! - ! : — , , .

: — ,

– ( Arrays.asList() / List.of()).

: ? , , : ? org.springframework.core.ResolvableType.toString():

StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(this.resolved.getName());
if (hasGenerics()) {
  result.append(StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(getGenerics(), ", "));
return result.toString();

, 2:

1) hasGenerics()

2) hasGenerics() this.resolved.getName() StringBuilder, —

, ( , . . ) , this.resolved.getName(), , :

if (hasGenerics()) {
  return this.resolved.getName() 
    + '<'
    + StringUtils.arrayToDelimitedString(getGenerics(), ", ")
    + '>';
return this.resolved.getName();

: StringBuilder- + ( ).

: -

. :

private static String bytesToHexString(byte[] bytes) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
    sb.append(Integer.toString((bytes[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
  return sb.toString();

bytesToHexString : , , StringBuilder. ( ). ( ) ( p6spy):

public String toHexString(byte[] bytes) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  for (byte b : bytes) {
    int temp = (int) b & 0xFF;
    sb.append(HEX_CHARS[temp / 16]);
    sb.append(HEX_CHARS[temp % 16]);
  return sb.toString();

StringBuilder- , , , . :

public String toHexStringPatched(byte[] bytes) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 2);
  for (byte b : bytes) {
    int temp = (int) b & 0xFF;
    sb.append(HEX_CHARS[temp / 16]);
    sb.append(HEX_CHARS[temp % 16]);
  return sb.toString();

1 , , :

original                          avgt        4167,950 ±     82,704   us/op
patched                           avgt        3972,118 ±     34,817   us/op

original:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt    13631776,184 ±      0,005    B/op
patched:·gc.alloc.rate.norm       avgt     8388664,173 ±      0,002    B/op

, :

public AbstractStringBuilder append(char c) {
  ensureCapacityInternal(count + 1);
  value[count++] = c;
  return this;

: , , . StringBuilder- :

public String toHexString(byte[] bytes) {
  char[] result = new char[bytes.length * 2];
  int idx = 0;
  for (byte b : bytes) {
    int temp = (int) b & 0xFF;
    result[idx++] = HEX_CHARS[temp / 16];
    result[idx++] = HEX_CHARS[temp % 16];
  return new String(result);


original                          avgt        4167,950 ±     82,704   us/op
patched                           avgt        3972,118 ±     34,817   us/op
chars                             avgt        1377,829 ±      4,861   us/op

original:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt    13631776,184 ±      0,005    B/op
patched:·gc.alloc.rate.norm       avgt     8388664,173 ±      0,002    B/op
chars:·gc.alloc.rate.norm         avgt     6291512,057 ±      0,001    B/op

, JDK, :

original                          avgt        3813,358 ±     75,014   us/op
patched                           avgt        3733,343 ±     90,589   us/op
chars                             avgt        1377,829 ±      4,861   us/op

original:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt     6816056,159 ±      0,005    B/op
patched:·gc.alloc.rate.norm       avgt     4194360,157 ±      0,006    B/op
chars:·gc.alloc.rate.norm         avgt     6291512,057 ±      0,001    B/op   <----

. :

abstract class AbstractStringBuilder implements Appendable, CharSequence {
  byte[] value;

  public AbstractStringBuilder append(char c) {
    this.ensureCapacityInternal(this.count + 1);
    if (this.isLatin1() && StringLatin1.canEncode(c)) {
      this.value[this.count++] = (byte)c;                     // <-----
    } else {
      // ...
    return this;

StringBuilder.append(char) , ASCII ( ), , . , char . JDK 9 , , char[] byte[].

: :

: — .

, — , . :

String str = s1 + s2 + s3;

String str = new StringBuilder().append(str1).append(str2).append(str3).toString();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String str = sb.toString();


private final String str1 = "1".repeat(10);
private final String str2 = "2".repeat(10);
private final String str3 = "3".repeat(10);
private final String str4 = "4".repeat(10);
private final String str5 = "5".repeat(10);

@Benchmark public String concatenation() { /*...*/ }
@Benchmark public String chainedAppend() { /*...*/ }
@Benchmark public String newLineAppend() { /*...*/ }

, :

                                    Mode     Score     Error   Units

chainedAppend                       avgt    33,973 ±   0,974   ns/op
concatenation                       avgt    36,189 ±   1,260   ns/op
newLineAppend                       avgt    71,083 ±   5,180   ns/op

chainedAppend:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   avgt    96,000 ±   0,001    B/op
concatenation:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   avgt    96,000 ±   0,001    B/op
newLineAppend:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   avgt   272,000 ±   0,001    B/op

: StringBuilder , , . : , , StringBuilder-. .

. , / StringBuilder.append() :

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()

if (smth) sb.append(str4);

return sb.append(str5).toString();

, ? , , :

                                    Mode     Score     Error   Units

chainedAppend                       avgt    33,973 ±   0,974   ns/op
concatenation                       avgt    36,189 ±   1,260   ns/op
newLineAppend                       avgt    71,083 ±   5,180   ns/op
tornAppend                          avgt    66,261 ±   2,095   ns/op

chainedAppend:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   avgt    96,000 ±   0,001    B/op
concatenation:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   avgt    96,000 ±   0,001    B/op
newLineAppend:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   avgt   272,000 ±   0,001    B/op
tornAppend:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt   272,000 ±   0,001    B/op

: ( ResolvableType.toString()). "" :

// o.s.a.interceptor.AbstractMonitoringInterceptor

String createInvocationTraceName(MethodInvocation invocation) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getPrefix());                    // < ----
  Method method = invocation.getMethod();
  Class<?> clazz = method.getDeclaringClass();
  if (logTargetClassInvocation && clazz.isInstance(invocation.getThis())) {
    clazz = invocation.getThis().getClass();
  return sb.toString();

: sb , :

String createInvocationTraceName(MethodInvocation invocation) {
  Method method = invocation.getMethod();
  Class<?> clazz = method.getDeclaringClass();
  if (logTargetClassInvocation && clazz.isInstance(invocation.getThis())) {
    clazz = invocation.getThis().getClass();
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getPrefix());                    // < ----
  return sb.toString();

"" :

protected String createInvocationTraceName(MethodInvocation invocation) {
  Method method = invocation.getMethod();
  Class<?> clazz = method.getDeclaringClass();
  if (logTargetClassInvocation && clazz.isInstance(invocation.getThis())) {
    clazz = invocation.getThis().getClass();
  return getPrefix() + clazz.getName() + '.' + method.getName() + getSuffix();

, . :

, ...
                                Mode      Score     Error   Units

before                          avgt     97,273 ±   0,974   ns/op
after                           avgt     89,089 ±   1,260   ns/op

before:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt    728,000 ±   0,001    B/op
after:·gc.alloc.rate.norm       avgt    728,000 ±   0,001    B/op

-, ! - , - . , :

@Fork(jvmArgsAppend = {"-Xms2g", "-Xmx2g", "-XX:+UseParallelGC"})
public class BrokenConcatenationBenchmark {

  public String slow(Data data) {
    Class<? extends Data> clazz = data.clazz;
    return "class " + clazz.getName();

  public String fast(Data data) {
    Class<? extends Data> clazz = data.clazz;
    String clazzName = clazz.getName();
    return "class " + clazzName;

  public static class Data {
    Class<? extends Data> clazz = getClass();

    // explicitly load name via Class.getName0()
    public void setup() { clazz.getName(); }          <----  

JDK-8043677. Class.getName():

public String getName() {
  String name = this.name;
  if (name == null) {
    this.name = name = this.getName0();
  return name;

private native String getName0();

: , . , setup(), . , .

, , StackOverflow. apangin, . :

-. , . .

, Class.getName() . , JIT , ,

if (name == null) {
this.name = name = getName0();

. , , . , .

. Class.getName() .


                                Mode      Score     Error   Units

before                          avgt     97,273 ±   0,974   ns/op
after                           avgt     13,301 ±   0,411   ns/op

before:·gc.alloc.rate.norm      avgt    728,000 ±   0,001    B/op
after:·gc.alloc.rate.norm       avgt    280,000 ±   0,001    B/op


  • = +
  • JDK (<9)

: if-

— ASM, -. org.objectweb.asm.Type:

void appendDescriptor(final Class<?> clazz, final StringBuilder sb) {
  String name = clazz.getName();
  for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); ++i) {
    char car = name.charAt(i);
    sb.append(car == '.' ? '/' : car);

: , , . . StringBuilder.append(char) . , . — , , . :

void appendDescriptor(final Class<?> clazz, final StringBuilder sb) {
  sb.append(clazz.getName().replace('.', '/'));

: . : String.replace(char, char) , ( ).


@BenchmarkMode(value = Mode.AverageTime)
@Fork(jvmArgsAppend = {"-Xms2g", "-Xmx2g"})
public class CharacterReplaceBenchmark {
  private final Class<?> klass = String.class;

  public StringBuilder manualReplace() {
    return ineffective(klass, new StringBuilder());

  public StringBuilder stringReplace() {
    return effective(klass, new StringBuilder());


                                     Mode     Score     Error   Units

manualReplace                        avgt    43,312 ±   1,767   ns/op
stringReplace                        avgt    30,741 ±   3,247   ns/op

manualReplace:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt    56,000 ±   0,001    B/op
stringReplace:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt   112,000 ±   0,001    B/op

, — . java.lang.String klass

private final Class<?> klass = CharacterReplaceBenchmark.class;


                                     Mode     Score     Error   Units

manualReplace                        avgt   160,336 ±   2,628   ns/op
stringReplace                        avgt    67,258 ±   1,535   ns/op

manualReplace:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt   200,000 ±   0,001    B/op
stringReplace:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt   240,000 ±   0,001    B/op

2,5 , 20%.

private final Class<?> klass = org.springframework.objenesis.instantiator.perc.PercSerializationInstantiator.class;

String.replace(char, char) , :

                                     Mode     Score     Error   Units

manualReplace                        avgt   212,368 ±   3,370   ns/op
stringReplace                        avgt    75,503 ±   1,028   ns/op

manualReplace:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt   360,000 ±   0,001    B/op
stringReplace:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    avgt   272,000 ±   0,001    B/op

, StringBuilder , - , :

// java.lang.AbstractStringBuilder

private int newCapacity(int minCapacity) {
  // overflow-conscious code
  int newCapacity = (value.length << 1) + 2;
  if (newCapacity - minCapacity < 0) {
    newCapacity = minCapacity;
  return newCapacity <= 0 || MAX_ARRAY_SIZE - newCapacity < 0
          ? hugeCapacity(minCapacity)
          : newCapacity;


java.lang.String                        16  – 16 
t.s.b.s.CharacterReplaceBenchmark       58  – 70 
o.s.o.i.p.PercSerializationInstantiator 77  – 142 

, — .

, , :

// com.intellij.internal.statistic.beans.ConvertUsagesUtil

char c = text.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
  case '\'':
  case '\"':
  case '=' :
    escaped.append(' ');

String.replace(char, char), :

return text
  .replace(GROUP_SEPARATOR, ' ')
  .replace(GROUPS_SEPARATOR, ' ')
  .replace(GROUP_VALUE_SEPARATOR, ' ')
  .replace('\'', ' ')
  .replace('\"', ' ')
  .replace('=' , ' ');

( 1 ) 6 6 . / , :


  • ,
  • ,
  • 99 100
  • 1 100


lany Java 9-14: JDK-8054221, StringJoiner-:

public final class StringJoiner {
  private final String prefix;
  private final String delimiter;
  private final String suffix;
  private StringBuilder value;

public final class StringJoiner {
  private final String prefix;
  private final String delimiter;
  private final String suffix;

  private String[] elts;

  private int size;
  private int len;

: StringBuilder.toString():

char[] chars = new char[len + addLen];
int k = getChars(prefix, chars, 0);
if (size > 0) {
  k += getChars(elts[0], chars, k);
  for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
    k += getChars(delimiter, chars, k);
    k += getChars(elts[i], chars, k);
k += getChars(suffix, chars, k);
return new String(chars);

StringJoiner :

StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (PathComponent pathComponent : pathComponents) {
return pathBuilder.toString();

StringJoiner pathBuilder = new StringJoiner("");
for (PathComponent pathComponent : pathComponents) {
return pathBuilder.toString();

, :

                         latin  length    Mode     Score    Error   Units

sb                        true      10    avgt     122,2 ±    5,0   ns/op
sb                        true     100    avgt     463,5 ±   42,6   ns/op
sb                        true    1000    avgt    3446,6 ±  109,1   ns/op

sj                        true      10    avgt     141,1 ±    5,3   ns/op
sj                        true     100    avgt     356,0 ±    6,9   ns/op
sj                        true    1000    avgt    2522,1 ±  287,7   ns/op

sb                       false      10    avgt     229,8 ±   14,7   ns/op
sb                       false     100    avgt     932,4 ±    8,7   ns/op
sb                       false    1000    avgt    7456,4 ±  527,2   ns/op

sj                       false      10    avgt     192,6 ±   70,8   ns/op
sj                       false     100    avgt     577,7 ±   60,3   ns/op
sj                       false    1000    avgt    3541,9 ±  135,0   ns/op

sb:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    true      10    avgt     512,0 ±    0,0    B/op
sb:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    true     100    avgt    4376,0 ±    0,0    B/op
sb:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    true    1000    avgt   41280,0 ±    0,0    B/op

sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    true      10    avgt     536,0 ±   14,9    B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    true     100    avgt    3232,0 ±   12,2    B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm    true    1000    avgt   30232,0 ±   12,2    B/op

sb:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   false      10    avgt    1083,2 ±    7,3    B/op
sb:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   false     100    avgt    9744,0 ±    0,0    B/op
sb:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   false    1000    avgt   93448,0 ±    0,0    B/op

sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   false      10    avgt     768,0 ±   12,2    B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   false     100    avgt    5264,0 ±    0,0    B/op
sj:·gc.alloc.rate.norm   false    1000    avgt   50264,0 ±    0,0    B/op


char[] chars = new char[len + addLen];
int k = getChars(prefix, chars, 0);
if (size > 0) {
  k += getChars(elts[0], chars, k);
  for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
    k += getChars(delimiter, chars, k);
    k += getChars(elts[i], chars, k);
k += getChars(suffix, chars, k);
return new String(chars);

char[] chars = new char[len + addLen];     //  char[],   byte[] ?!!
int k = getChars(prefix, chars, 0);
if (size > 0) {
  k += getChars(elts[0], chars, k);
  for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
    k += getChars(delimiter, chars, k);
    k += getChars(elts[i], chars, k);
k += getChars(suffix, chars, k);
return new String(chars);

. , : StringJoiner java.util, — java.lang. StringBuider- , StringJoiner char[]. .


  • map.get(/* new String */) / map.put(/* new String */)
  • "_" + smth
  • «+», StringBuilder
  • StringJoiner-e

, .

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