Dart Zones:老大哥在看着你





: , . over 9000 . !

. , — . , . . , :

class StandardPerformanceCounter {
  final NgZone _zone;

  StandardPerformanceCounter(this._zone) {
  // ...

, : Angular onMicrotaskEmpty , event change detection:

class ApplicationRef extends ChangeDetectionHost {
    this._ngZone, // ...
  ) {
    // ...
    _onMicroSub = _ngZone.onMicrotaskEmpty.listen((_) {

  // Start change detection
  void tick() {
    _changeDetectors.forEach((detector) {
  // ...

, , NgZone, . .

NgZone — , — (, Angular ) (, Angular ). NgZone:

class NgZone {
  NgZone._() {
    _outerZone = Zone.current; // Save reference to current zone
    _innerZone = _createInnerZone(
      handleUncaughtError: _onErrorWithoutLongStackTrace,

  // Create Angular zone
  Zone _createInnerZone(
    Zone zone, // ...
  ) {
    return zone.fork(
      specification: ZoneSpecification(
        scheduleMicrotask: _scheduleMicrotask,
        run: _run,
        runUnary: _runUnary,
        runBinary: _runBinary,
        handleUncaughtError: handleUncaughtError,
        createTimer: _createTimer,
      zoneValues: {_thisZoneKey: true, _anyZoneKey: true},
  // ...


, change detection.

Angular , . , DOM , . Angular : — change detection. , DOM .

— , , . , , - . — .

. Angular , . , , .

event loop :

event loop

, - , — , requestAnimationFrame , , . .

Angular , detectChanges.

, , , , . , detectChanges. .

requestAnimationFrame, «»:

  • Change detection , - .
  • , requestAnimationFrame, , , .
  • change detection . , .

— detectChanges , , . .

, «» Angular :

  • .
  • change detection , .

. innerZone.


class NgZone {
  // ...
  // Create Angular zone
  Zone _createInnerZone(
    Zone zone, // ...
  ) {
    return zone.fork(
      specification: ZoneSpecification(
        scheduleMicrotask: _scheduleMicrotask,
        run: _run,
        runUnary: _runUnary,
        runBinary: _runBinary,
        handleUncaughtError: handleUncaughtError,
        createTimer: _createTimer,
      zoneValues: {_thisZoneKey: true, _anyZoneKey: true},
  // ...

, Future , . Angular , Future _run.


class NgZone {
  // ...
  R _run<R>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R fn()) {
    return parent.run(zone, () {
      try {
        _nesting++; // Count nested zone calls
        if (_isStable) {
          _isStable = false; // Set view may change
          // …
        return fn();
      } finally {
        _checkStable(); // Check we can try to start change detection
  // ...

C run* , , , . NgZone , , . _checkStable , event loop.

change detection , . — scheduleMicrotask:

class NgZone {
  // ...
  void _scheduleMicrotask(Zone _, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, void fn()) {
    _pendingMicrotasks++; // Count scheduled microtasks
    parent.scheduleMicrotask(zone, () {
      try {
      } finally {
        if (_pendingMicrotasks == 0) {
          _checkStable(); // Check we can try to start change detection
  // ...

, . run — , . , . _checkStable , .

, , :

class NgZone {
  // ...
  void _checkStable() {
    // Check task and microtasks are done
    if (_nesting == 0 && !_hasPendingMicrotasks && !_isStable) {
      try {
        // ...
        _onMicrotaskEmpty.add(null); // Notify change detection
      } finally {
        if (!_hasPendingMicrotasks) {
          try {
            runOutsideAngular(() {
          } finally {
            _isStable = true; // Set view is done with changes
  // ...

- ! , . , _onMicrotaskEmpty. , detectChanges! , change detection . , NgZone , .


Angular NgZone. Future , Stream Timer run* scheduleMicrotask, detectChanges.

, . , addEventListener Element , , . — _zone.run() detectChanges, NgZone.

. detectChanges — , , , . Change detection event loop, .

OnPush change detection . . detectChanges, scroll mouseMove . : 1000 200 . , .

Angular , .

Stream runOutsideAngular

runOutsideAngular , , . , onMouseMove Element. , Dart — . Zones :

, .

. , . Angular:

// Part of AngularDart component class
final NgZone _zone;
final ChangeDetectorRef _detector;
final Element _element;

void onSomeLifecycleHook() {
  _zone.runOutsideAngular(() {
    _element.onMouseMove.where(filterEvent).listen((event) {

— , ? :

// Part of AngularDart component class
final Element _element;

void onSomeLifecycleHook() {

, . where . , _WhereStream:

// Part of AngularDart component class
final Element _element;

void onSomeLifecycleHook() {
  _element.onMouseMove // _ElementEventStreamImpl
      .where(filterEvent) // _WhereStream

_WhereStream, . , detectChanges , . .


redux_epics. . , , , . change detection , action - , . , , . ?

, , listen redux_epics:

class EpicMiddleware<State> extends MiddlewareClass<State> {
  bool _isSubscribed = false;
  // ...
  void call(Store<State> store, dynamic action, NextDispatcher next) {
    // Init on first call
    if (!_isSubscribed) {
          .switchMap((epic) => epic(_actions.stream, EpicStore(store)))
          .listen(store.dispatch); // Forward all stream actions to dispatch
      _isSubscribed = true; // Set middleware is initialized
    // ...

call. ( — ), .

— action . , :

// Part of AngularDart component class
final NgZone _zone;
final AppDispatcher _element;

void onInit() {
  _zone.runOutsideAngular(() {
    // ...
    _dispatcher.dispatch(const InitApp());

, null :

// Part of AngularDart component class
final NgZone _zone;
final AppDispatcher _element;

void onInit() {
  _zone.runOutsideAngular(() {
    // ...

, change detection.

change detection

. , , , button:

<!-- parent-component -->

<!-- child-component -->

click. . , change detection . , event listeners , addEventListener:

_el_0.addEventListener('click', eventHandler(_handleClick_0));

. addEventListener: , , event loop , . , detectChanges.

Angular , Output:

<!-- parent-component -->

<!-- child-component -->

change detection , Output — , , , , NgZone .


— , . - , — .

, . , . — , , . , , .

. — , , . , , issue, . .

Future , . , Dart SDK Future root :

abstract class Future<T> {
  final Future<Null> _nullFuture = Future<Null>.zoneValue(null, Zone.root);

  final Future<bool> _falseFuture = Future<bool>.zoneValue(false, Zone.root);
  // ...

, Future . Future then, , , :

  • zone.scheduleMicrotask;
  • zone.registerUnaryCallback;
  • zone.runUnary.

, , then. scheduleMicrotask .

Future — Future , :

// Callbacks doFirstWork and doSecondWork will be called in same microtask
void doWork(Future future) {

scheduleMicrotask. . , :

void doWork(Future future) {
  runZoned(() {
    // First zone
  }, zoneValues: {#isFirst: true});

  runZoned(() {
    // Second zone
  }, zoneValues: {#isFirst: false});

. — ? ? ? Dart , , Future:

// Zone that is saved in [future] argument will schedule microtask
void doWork(Future future) {
  runZoned(() {
    // First zone
  }, zoneValues: {#isFirst: true});

  runZoned(() {
    // Second zone
  }, zoneValues: {#isFirst: false});

, , _nullFuture, scheduleMicrotask , root :

final future = Future._nullFuture;
final currentZone = Zone.current;

// currentZone.registerUnaryCallback(...);
// _rootZone.scheduleMicrotask(...);
// currentZone.runUnary(...);

, . FakeAsync: , .

, _nullFuture , :

final controller = StreamController<void>(sync: true);
final subscription = controller.stream.listen(null);
subscription.cancel(); // Returns Future._nullFuture

, . FakeAsync.

, issue, ! , Future Stream, !

. !

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